alternative healing

Earthing Reduces Weight Effortlessly

As many of you know, I recently conducted a 10 week study examining the relationship between earthing and weight.   Participants were asked to touch the earth for a minimum of 15 minutes a day on a daily basis for 10 weeks, and they were followed weekly for changes in weight, mood, pain, stress level, sleep, energy level and other quality of life parameters. I was thrilled with the results and wanted to share them with you first here!!! This is the very first time these results are being revealed, so enjoy them and pass this amazing information along to […]

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Healing Your Lower Chakras… safety, creativity, power

  YAY! I was recently interviewed about Earthing for Fox and enjoyed it so much!   All about the health benefits of Earthing… and this is a pretty major thing to get into mainstream media. Sure, Earthing is all over the alternative medicine websites and loops but so far, not as much exposure in mainstream culture. In the past few months, though, things are shifting. I’ve given interviews and published articles in First For Women, Magazine (which made it onto the front page of FoxNEWS) and MaryJanes Farm Magazine… which hits newsstands in September. I’ll keep you posted

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Preventing Alzheimers…

  (We saw this double rainbow out of our window when we were driving in the rain a few weeks ago… my hubby was driving and I snapped this blurry pic to capture the magic!) Alzheimers runs on one side of my family, so this is a topic very near and dear to my heart. I’d like to do whatever I can while I am still mid-life to protect my brain as much as possible from developing this devastating disease. Thankfully there are some very simple things you can do to boost your brain’s health and help ward off Alzheimers.

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Earthing and Weight Loss… appear in The Grounded movie with me!

  For my local peeps… let’s hang out in person on June 14th and I’ll explain an exciting new study I’m conducting that I want you to be a part of! Effortless weight loss. No diet. No exercise. Just plug into the soothing awesome power of the earth and let Mother Earth reset your weight. If you have between 15 to 30 lbs to lose, come find out more at my informational meeting in Mount Pleasant on June 14th at 6PM.   I’ll be explaining my new study, which looks at the connection between the earth and weight: how connecting

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Thoughts On Health… Relief From Seasonal Allergies, Naturally

  It turns spring this week, baby!!! And for many folks the first thing that comes to their mind during spring isn’t beaches and bare feet and picking fresh strawberries and bumble bees and gardening and sunshine… it’s allergies. Well poop. That stinks. But I’ve got your back. Because I don’t want you to drug up on antihistamines and watch your lovely spring season go by in a blur of grogginess. Here is what you are going to do to help establish your own equilibrium without the Rx…   1. Wash your hands like it’s going out of style. Every

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Avoiding Tylenol…

Hi peeps! A new study published online November 22 in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology shed some new light on the use of Tylenol. It doesn’t look pretty in this new light. I know it would be easier to turn the light off, but instead, let’s shine a spotlight on Tylenol so that we can help spread awareness, and then lets talk about all the positive wonderful alternatives there are out there. Okay, here is the low down. Taking just a tiny amount more Tylenol then recommended, on a chronic basis, may lead to death. And if not death,

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Thoughts On Health… my #1 recommendation for head-to-toe Well Being

If you are looking for something totally free, totally healthy, totally amazing… if you are looking for a way to feel better from head to toe… if you are looking for a simple, safe detox that takes only minutes a day and resets your body inside and out… if you are looking for the best anti-aging secret on earth… if you are looking for a better night’s sleep, less aching joints, relief from headaches, and the best anti-inflammatory ever invented… watch on!  xoxo, Laura    

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