medical literature

A Super Easy Way To Support Your Brain Health That You Can Do Right Now

      Today I’m sharing with you the latest article I’ve written on grounding, that has been accepted for publication by the American Journal Of Neurology Research. Because you are on my private mailing list, you get to read it (and share it) here first, before it’s available online or in PubMed.  And if someone forwarded this to you, you can also join on my private newsletter list right here! I hope you enjoy it!  It’s got some good food for thought in there, along with a tip of combining grounding with a few deep breaths to immediately support […]

A Super Easy Way To Support Your Brain Health That You Can Do Right Now Read More »

Bullying Is No Joke, 3 Ways To Protect Your Kids

  Continuing in this Back-To-School month with a focus on the health of our children, let’s talk about something uncomfortable.     Let’s talk about something that we *need* to be talking about more. Let’s talk about something positive that we can do to protect the physical and mental well being of our children for the rest of their lives: end bullying. Published in JAMA Psychiatry in Feb, 2016, the largest study ever to look at childhood bullying documents something we already *know* — that victims of bullying in childhood have painful, lasting ramifications well into adulthood.   The Study:

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Why Modern Medicine Is So Limited

  The entire model of medicine is backwards and needs a major re-do.   The way the current medical model is set up is to test and report the outcome of a medication or surgery or intervention in the scientific literature, and to use these statistics as the standard of care.   I’m very familiar with the scientific method of research not only through my medical practice keeping abreast of the current scientific literature to update my own practice guidelines…   …but also because for my entire life I’ve been the daughter of one of the lead scientists at the

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Sleep Deprivation Found To Increase Weight After Only A Few Days

  A new study, recently published in SLEEP last month (July 2013) found that folks gained a significant amount of weight after only 5 days of poor sleep.   Previous studies have shown a link between poor sleep and weight gain, but this is the first study where participants slept in-house in a sleep facility and the actual weight gain was measurably significant after only a handful of 4 hour nights in a row. Here are the study details: Researchers took 225 healthy adults with no history of sleep problems. Half of the participants had time in bed from 10

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Parents, I’m Sick To My Stomach Over This…

As you know, I truly enjoy reporting positive and healing medical information for you, dear reader. And that is the plan for the next 7 weeks, as I walk you through your Chakras from a medical point of view and give you great ideas for supporting your inner healing. But today… I’m sitting here with a knot in my stomach and here’s why. Please consider helping me spread this news: There was a study recently published in Pediatrics (on July 2, 2012) looking at spanking and other forms of physical punishment. As makes common sense, there have been many many

Parents, I’m Sick To My Stomach Over This… Read More »