my favorite thing

Fav Quote #3

  Let us not look back in anger, nor forward in fear, But around in awareness. – James Thurber       I love this quote! One of my favorite quotes of all time, I wanted to capture it on paper and bring the meaning alive. This is my third quote splat… just a weekly series of fun, silly, low-key illustrations that I splat onto the page in just a few minutes, off the cuff, to accompany my favorite quotes. To illustrate the “looking back in anger” I painted the left side of the paper red and filled it up […]

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Thoughts on health… the creative process aint always pretty.

    Hi! I spent a good portion of the weekend having fun with my paints and papers and favorite quotes for a set of artwork I’m creating called Quote Splat. For no other reason then I woke up one day and decided to write down my top 10 favorite quotes of all time and illustrate them. I’m going to start showing them to you every Wednesday starting this Wednesday and giving them away each week for free! Because creating anything… whether it is art or a meal or a new way to help your loved ones laugh or a

Thoughts on health… the creative process aint always pretty. Read More »

Favorite Children’s Books

I was going through our old stash of children’s books… organizing our bookshelves… and I found myself lost in a daze of the sweet sweet memories of reading picture books to my children. Oh how I loved that. Although we have evolved into reading chapter books now, there are so many great children’s books that I found along the way that I want to hold on to. I thought I’d share some of the gems I discovered with you all here, since I know there are mama’s out there with kids young enough to sit on their lap and enjoy

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My Favorite Thing… about Charleston (right now!)

Most folks come visit Charleston because of the beautiful historic straw market area… a gorgeous waterfront open aired market that has it’s history in colonial roots. I admit we love it there too… amidst the historical landmarks and buildings and art galleries and pirate dungeon and horse drawn carriages and cobblestone streets… but I have a new favorite. And it has nothing to do with Historic Charleston at all… or anything at all to do with mankind. It has to do with what happened millions of years before man set foot on what is now known as Charleston… a snapshot

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My Favorite Thing… In My Backyard.

I love my back yard. It is a sanctuary to our whole family. We head out to our backyard multiple times a day, every day, and mill around together. Sometimes gardening. Sometimes taking care of pets. Sometimes rocking on the back porch swing and listening to the chatter of birds. Sometimes jumping on our trampoline. And now… my newest favorite thing about my back yard… our new tree fort. Built by Precision Woodworks, LLC, we couldn’t be more pleased. We had a vision of a tree fort built around the base of a backyard tree… with super safe and wide

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My Favorite Thing… In My Daughter’s Room

My daughter is going to be turning 9 in two weeks… 9! Almost to the double digits, but luckily I get one more year before I have to face that. What she wants most this year is to re-do her bedroom… making it earthy and organic and painting the walls light brown, putting up a huge mural of a tree on one wall and a big fluffy bean bag chair in the corner. So, in preparation for her new room, I’m painting it this week. She picked the color… it’s Interactive Cream from Sherwin Williams, low-VOC paint. I was pushing

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My Favorite Thing… In the Bedroom

Blues and greens and browns… soothing to me. And if you recognize those curtains, yes… they used to be in my dining room! This week’s My Favorite Thing is the bedroom… and I’m just warnin’ ya, there are going to be a LOT of pictures! What I love most is that clump of pictures hanging right on the wall… Here is my bedroom… although I don’t get to see it like this much. Picture the bed messed up, the pull out love seat opened up into a sofa bed, tons of Legos everywhere, and lint and dog hair making an

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