
3 Playful Ways To Use Your Intuition Today, Pick The One You Like Best And Test It Out

    Intuition is in our cellular structure… literally. There is a physical biology behind intuition. Using intuitive guidance is actually in the design of our cells, in the design of our DNA, it’s in the design of our existence. Dr. Bruce Lipton, PhD, pioneered the ground breaking revelation that it is not our DNA that is a master template that our bodies are wired around, but it is actually the exact opposite: DNA stands to serve as a resource for incoming information and directives to use as a raw material for expression. This is the science of epigenetics — […]

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What To Do When You Are Struggling To Hear Your Own Internal GPS

    Today I am sharing an interview I did a while back with the fabulous Rachel Molendo for her podcast: The Fill Your Cup Podcast. Honestly I do interviews every week or so and I rarely share them here on my blog, because they usually focus on grounding, which repeats much of the same information that I already share with you here freely each week. But this one is different. In this podcast I share TONS of information that I’ve never shared in an interview before, including exactly why I left conventional medicine, and exactly why I feel intuitive

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Let Me Walk You Through Exactly How Your Body Is Speaking To You Right Now

      One thing I know about intuition is this: everybody has it and everyone can use it.     If I can access my intuition, absolutely without a doubt, so can you. I absolutely was THE most conventional person on the planet… since 4 years old my goal was to become a physician and I worked hard to become an M.D. by the age of 26 years old — I was super square and type A personality  (plus tons of anxiety plus high functioning autism… so yeah, really a truly rigid and boxed in.) After I became pregnant

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Why Our Posture Affects Our Energy Level And Our Emotions

    The last time I ran my annual Chakra Healing Class, one of the most interesting topics came up. On of the participants (thank you Steve!) mentioned that he noticed becoming more short of breath when his posture slumped. That brought on a wonderful discussion of all the different ways that poor posture literally physically affects your health… everything from dry mouth and dental issues to decreased oxygenation, decreased sleep quality and even increased ADHD symptoms.   But posture affects more than just our physical body… it affects our spirit.       In class I shared a link

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The Two Best Ways Fast: Why It’s Easier Than Dieting & How To Do it

  This is the third and last blog post on losing weight easily and naturally — and that’s because this is the very last week you can sign up to join my in my 5 day Weight Reset Class! The first article was on losing stress-related weight. The second was on naturally boosting your metabolism. This last one will be a quick intro to fasting — a great lifestyle modification that has long term benefits that are hard to beat: decreased heart attack risk, decreased diabetes risk, decreased cancer recurrence rates, even boosted longevity. I review all of these benefits

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Moving Your Body Helps Your Brain Function Better, Immediately. Here’s How

    A recent medical study caught my eye, so today I am excited to share it with you here.   Researchers were looking at how movement helps to boost memory, and found that there are literally immediate benefits to your memory function after exercising just once. Published September 2020 in Scientific Reports, this study finds that one session of exercising (cycling on a stationary bike was the exercise used in this study) significantly improved motor sequence memory — immediately! This is super encouraging, because it was not looking at just the long term benefits from exercise (which of course

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How To Hear Your Body Tell You What It Needs

  Every single one of us gets a constant stream of information coming to us from a deep, internally knowing of what is best for us in any moment of time — call it a gut hunch, call it a “felt sense,’ call it your inner truth, call it your intuition… whatever you call it, you can learn how to drop your awareness out of your monkey mind and into a deeper awareness that resides in your body. Our bodies are always speaking to us about what is going on inside of us, and all we need to do is

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