
Sudden Loss and Unexpected Grief… Holistic Ways To Help Your Body Find Relief

  I recently became a Death Doula. You would think as a physician we would be taught in detail about the death and dying process in medical school, but we weren’t. Not at all. We were taught how to pronounce someone dead, how to preform advanced life support to try to stave off death, how to sign a death certificate… but never about the intricacies of it: what the body feels and experiences as the soul prepares to leave it, what the dying process looks like, what order the organ systems shut down in and how that looks and feels, […]

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Want To Give Fasting A Try? That’s Awesome & Here’s How.

    This is the third and last blog post on losing weight easily and naturally — and that’s because this is the very last week you can sign up to join my in my 5 day Weight Reset Class! The first article was on losing stress-related weight. The second was on naturally boosting your metabolism. This last one will be a quick intro to fasting — a great lifestyle modification that has long term benefits that are hard to beat: decreased heart attack risk, decreased diabetes risk, decreased cancer recurrence rates, even boosted longevity. I review all of these

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How To Release Weight Changes That Are Caused By Stress

    Gaining weight (or losing weight) unintentionally is a common response to chronic or acute stress. In fact, a recent poll conducted by the American Psychological Association found that most of us have experienced a significant weight change in the past year, thanks to the overwhelm that the 2020 pandemic brought our way. The poll revealed that 60% of Americans report undesired weight changes as a result of this year long pandemic. 42% of us gained a significant and unwanted amount of weight and almost 20% of us had an undesired and significant loss of weight. But I’m here

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How Your Posture Is Impacting Your Health

    Last year when I ran my annual Chakra Healing Class, one of the most interesting topics came up. On of the participants (thank you Steve!) mentioned that he noticed becoming more short of breath when his posture slumped. That brought on a wonderful discussion of all the different ways that poor posture literally physically affects your health… everything from dry mouth and dental issues to decreased oxygenation, decreased sleep quality and even increased ADHD symptoms.   But posture affects more than just our physical body… it affects our spirit.       In class I shared a link

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To Stay Young, Stay Curious (& Dozens Of Other Ways To Protect Your Brain)

    When nothing is sure, Everything is possible. — Margaret Drabble   This is what we are living in right now: nothing is sure. But that also means: everything is possible! Right now is the perfect time to open up to learning new things you never would have had the time or opportunity to learn before. To shed old routines and consider what changes in your lifestyle, what changes to your career, and what changes to your health you might want to make after this pandemic is over, and to start learning new skills to prepare for it. I

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Your Body Is Continually Speaking To You. Here’s How To Listen To It.

  Every single one of us gets a constant stream of information coming to us from a deep, internally knowing of what is best for us in any moment of time — call it a gut hunch, call it a “felt sense,’ call it your inner truth, call it your intuition… whatever you call it, you can learn how to drop your awareness out of your monkey mind and into a deeper awareness that resides in your body. Our bodies are always speaking to us about what is going on inside of us, and all we need to do is

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Uplifting Ideas To Keep Your Spirits High During A Pandemic

    Over the past month, I’ve blogged a few times about coronavirus prevention and treatment ideas, from a holistic physician’s perspective.   So today I want to add onto these tips with some less commonly heard, wonderfully uplifting ideas that you can implement (yes, even while practicing social distancing!) to feel strong, centered and resilient. Today let’s go way beyond the “wash your hands & isolate yourself” recommendation that you have heard a thousand times and add some important tips gleaned from the medical literature after studying the course and resolution of earlier pandemics. And yes, there have always

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