
How To Avoid A Tick Bite And What To Do The Minute You Get One

    Well we are well into summer, which hopefully means all of us are spending more time outside than ever!  Unfortunately, ticks carrying the Lyme disease bacteria (Borrelia Burgdorferi) have been found in all 50 states, so don’t be fooled into thinking it’s only something that folks in the northeast have to be concerned with.  But as much as I detest ticks, I really don’t want you to limit or stop your healing practice of connecting to Mother Earth outside daily because of a fear of ticks. To me, this healing practice of grounding is as crucial as eating […]

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Dehydration Sneaks Up On You, Do You Have Any Of These Symptoms Right Now?

    Is it warming up where you live?  It’s starting to get warm where I live, and I’ve noticed feeling drier and more dehydrated the past few days.  That reminded me to remind you: drink your water.  All year long, but especially as it heats up outside. Known as the Elixir of Life for good reason, water is absolutely critical to our well being in every way.  In fact, a recent study published in eBioMedicine found that dehydration, measured by how concentrated the salt is in your bloodstream, is actually a risk factor for premature death. Almost just as

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How To Deal With Bugs This Spring… Yep, Including Ticks and Tick Bites

    Ticks carrying the Lyme disease bacteria (Borrelia Burgdorferi) have been found in all 50 states, so don’t be fooled into thinking its only something that folks in the northeast have to be concerned with. But as much as I detest ticks, I really don’t want you to limit or stop your healing practice of connecting to Mother Earth outside daily because of a fear of ticks. To me, this healing practice of grounding is as crucial as eating or hydrating or breathing to stay healthy for an entire lifetime. The earth has food, air, water, and conductive support

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18 Fresh Ideas To Get You Outside, Protected & Grounded This Spring

      We are coming up on the spring equinox here in the northern hemisphere, which will be this Sunday, March 20th. Spring weather usually means folks are more likely to get outside, get active, go on walks, resume hiking and biking and jogging, plant springtime gardens, catch up on yard work, take food outside to eat on picnics… you name it. Getting outside in that fresh air is so very good for you. And you know what is even better for you than that? If you can be grounded while doing all of your favorite springtime activities. And

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It’s Summer: Decrease Your Skin Cancer & Photoaging Risk, Naturally

    Well it’s finally summer, and we can capitalize on the fact that outdoors is the safest place to be (even the CDC has published recommendations that all windows in homes, offices, and schools be kept open to increase venhilation) you can take advantage of the fact that sunlight is naturally germicidal and the Vitamin D boost you get is naturally immune boosting and move all of your indoor activities outside! So this brings up concerns about skin cancer and photo aging effects from sun exposure — but don’t let that stop you from going outside. Here’s why. A

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More Sunshine = Longer Life

Thank goodness summer is on the way. I am so happy to finally feel sunshine on my face again. Picnics, gardening, bare feet, after dinner strolls… they all become so much easier with a little sunshine!     But that means more sun exposure… typically something we read a lot of negative things about. And as usual, each time the weather turns warmer I get tons of emails flooding me asking for my recommendation on a good sunscreen (I give you a link to the one I use below!) So today, I thought it would be important to share with

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7 Natural Ways To Defeat Yeast Overgrowth

I’m so excited. We are officially well into May and this month I am actually taking my first three day vacation in a long, long time!   I have not taken a vacation — not even one single weekend off — in over two years straight. So to have a Friday, Saturday and a Sunday to hang out with friends by a lake and sleep in and stay up late and watch the kids swim and watch the sun set… yep, it’ll be heaven. With all of this beautiful warmer weather, I’ve had lots of questions come up (in the

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