
Time In the Sun Actually Increases Your Life Span… Here’s How To Do It Safely

A recent medical study, published in the Journal of Internal Medicine, found that folks who avoided sun exposure actually had a shorter life span… …with a decreased life expectancy that was shorter than even heavy smokers who bathed in the sun. What?!?! Yes.   This was a huge study looked at almost 30,000 participants over a span of 20 years. Researchers tracked health outcomes and life span over two decades and found that even when smoking was factored in, the life span of those who avoided the sun was over 2 years shorter than heavy smokers who got the highest […]

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More Sunshine = Longer Life

Thank goodness summer is on the way. I am so happy to finally feel sunshine on my face again. Picnics, gardening, bare feet, after dinner strolls… they all become so much easier with a little sunshine!     But that means more sun exposure… typically something we read a lot of negative things about. And as usual, each time the weather turns warmer I get tons of emails flooding me asking for my recommendation on a good sunscreen (I give you a link to the one I use below!) So today, I thought it would be important to share with

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Morning Light Effectively Treats Fibromyalgia In Just A Few Days

Just one hour of bright light each morning has been medically shown to decrease pain and sensitivity as well as increase functioning in patients with fibromyalgia.   Meaningful results were statistically significant without any artificial prescription medications and zero side effects, which is exciting news because fibromyalgia pain is typically an extremely difficult type of pain to treat. Usually, fibromyalgia patients are either given a cocktail of Rx medications ranging from antidepressants to pain killers, or told there is nothing that can be done and that the pain and the reduced ability to function is just now their baseline… or

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Light Therapy Quickly Improves Libido

    Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day, so today’s medical study reveals a simple tip for boosting libido! Woot!   New research (presented at the 29th European College of Neuropsychopharmacology Congress on September 19, 2016) shows that the same light therapy recommendation to treat Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) can significantly improve sexual satisfaction in people with low desire after only 2 weeks of treatment! While this study was on men, because light therapy is incredibly effective for females too, I truly believe that this would work for women with low sex drive and should be first line therapy for anyone with

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Your Skin Is Trying To Tell You Something

Skin can speak to us through the location of the eczema patches we have, through acne, through dry tight skin, hives, changes in hair growth, pigmentation, wrinkles, stretch marks… …and much, much more.     Skin can speak subtly through chronic messages that it whispers to you your entire life… ….or skin can scream loudly and angrily during acute transitions and times of crisis.   But no matter how your skin speaks to you, there is always a message to be appreciated.     Because our skin replicates so quickly, it is a wonderful mirror for what is going on

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7 Natural Ways To Defeat Yeast Overgrowth

I’m so excited. We are officially well into May and this month I am actually taking my first three day vacation in a long, long time!   I have not taken a vacation — not even one single weekend off — in over two years straight. So to have a Friday, Saturday and a Sunday to hang out with friends by a lake and sleep in and stay up late and watch the kids swim and watch the sun set… yep, it’ll be heaven. With all of this beautiful warmer weather, I’ve had lots of questions come up (in the

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Warmer Weather = Stinkier Pits… Unless You Do This!

Last week I presented a recent study that revealed: If you avoid the sun, your mortality rate is actually higher than the mortality rate of a heavy smoker!   So instead of avoiding the sun, I encouraged you to get out there this spring and summer and enjoy the weather! I also gave you some of my recommendations for keeping your skin safe while going outside under those damaging UV rays. But when you are outside in that beautiful sunshine, it’s not just the UV exposure… it’s also the sweat!   For odor protection, I don’t recommend antiperspirant or deodorant…

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