
Stop Suffering… Embrace Your Adaptability

  “Staying Open Minded”   There’s a lot of suffering in thinking you should know and be right and figure things out and that sort of thing. When we are out there in ego, we believe we can know and should know. When we come back to center, we realize that we don’t know and we don’t need to know. So it’s a coming back to center that has us on the right path. – Cheri Huber The brain is our knowledge power house. It is our database, stores our memories, sorts facts, a filing cabinet which processes new information […]

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There are always two ways to think…

  This “Think Differently” altered text page was so much fun for me to create. I took my old medical school anatomy lab textbook and spent the day marking up the pages with paint and inks. In the following weeks I’ll share with you several others I created… but they all make the same point: life isn’t linear and we don’t need to pretend that it is! There really are two ways to look at everything… unfortunately we only learn about the surface facts in medical school. We are tested on the labels and names of each part of the

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Inspiration Wednesday… Your New Rx

  You know all those prescription commercials you see on TV? The ones where they have some actor smile and say how much better they feel on a certain medication? And then the actor walks along a glistening beach playing fetch with her dog while some slick, fast speaking man says things like “side effects include, but are not limited to: rash, headache, nausea, diarrhea, infection, depression, mental status change, stroke, heart attack, or death. Do not take this drug while taking any other drug. Do not use this drug if you are pregnant, nursing, laying down, standing up, living,

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Thoughts On Health… seasonal allergies and the link to stress.

Part 4 of my “Seriousness is a Disease” series, today I discuss how prolonged stress physically changes your mucosal membranes and leads to a hyper-allergic response. If you missed Part 1 (brain health) or Part 2 (heart health) or Part 3 (joint health) give them a listen and catch up to speed on why I fervently believe that seriousness is a disease. Seriousness causes physical change in our bodies that are as damaging as most other diseases out there. I believe that when we led our lives from an overly serious vantage point, it causes us to live in a

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Thoughts On Health… Seriousness Is A Disease

I am very excited to present this video to you today.  This is a feeling I’ve had rumbling around in my heart for a while now… this feeling that seriousness is akin to a disease state.  Certainly there is a time and a place for seriousness… reacting seriously to some life situations can be life saving, as you become focused, clear-headed, and intent on a goal. The problem with being serious only arises when we live in this reactionary state. What was meant to be a short time response to intense, and even life-threatening, situations has a tendency to become

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Thoughts on Health… the Brain, part 2

Part two of Brain Health today… the energetic health of our brains! Coming up on Friday… a painting reveal! See you there! xoxo   When nothing is sure, Everything is possible. – Margaret Drabble     On Monday, we talked about how the brain ages… how it’s natural tendency is to get stuck in routine, limited by the confines of the skull, limited by concrete thinking. As we age, our brain goes literally from being malleable, flexible, growing, open fontanels and unfused skull plates… to encasement in bone, linear thinking, a huge storage place for labels and facts, repetitive neuronal

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Thoughts on Health… The Brain, Part 1

    Thoughts on Health… The Brain, Part 1     There’s a lot of suffering in thinking you should know and be right and figure things out and that sort of thing. When we are out there in ego, we believe we can know and should know. When we come back to center, we realize that we don’t know and we don’t need to know. So it’s a coming back to center that has us on the right path. – Cheri Huber The brain is our knowledge power house. It is our database, stores our memories, sorts facts, a

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