
3 warning signs the men in your life are under killer stress, and how to help them.

Because of my work with grounding, I was recently contacted by an amazing man, Jed Diamond, PhD.   His passion is helping men cope with the immense amount of stress placed on them. Stress on men kills… point blank. Whether from harming men physically (high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, etc…) or emotionally (depression, mood disorders, suicide, etc..) or spiritually (increased feelings of isolation and despair) the bottom line is that men are under killer stress every day. Jed uses grounding techniques in his own private coaching practice and in his own life and has found that being grounded can […]

3 warning signs the men in your life are under killer stress, and how to help them. Read More »

Sneak a peek into the world’s first Earthing children’s book!

Whew! This is a corner of my crazy office right now… between patient care and painting my children’s book illustrations I’m feeling quite busy, but joyfully so. I’m painting the final pages of my third children’s picture book… this one’s all about how to support your child’s natural healing powers through earthing.   As I talked about on Monday, earthing can do some awesome things! You are sure to be hearing a LOT more about earthing in the upcoming year — more studies coming out on it’s ability to heal a variety of illnesses and chronic conditions, as well as

Sneak a peek into the world’s first Earthing children’s book! Read More »

Parents, I’m Sick To My Stomach Over This…

As you know, I truly enjoy reporting positive and healing medical information for you, dear reader. And that is the plan for the next 7 weeks, as I walk you through your Chakras from a medical point of view and give you great ideas for supporting your inner healing. But today… I’m sitting here with a knot in my stomach and here’s why. Please consider helping me spread this news: There was a study recently published in Pediatrics (on July 2, 2012) looking at spanking and other forms of physical punishment. As makes common sense, there have been many many

Parents, I’m Sick To My Stomach Over This… Read More »

Looking Deeply…

  See Beyond The Surface… healing artwork   There really are two ways to look at everything, and the more I remember that the more flexible and kind and patient and loving I am able to be. So I created this artwork as a physical reminder. Literally ripping an old anatomy diagram of the eyeball out from my med school textbook, I left half the way they taught it. Cold and clinical. Can’t tell if the eyeball is a dead or living representation… just the mere facts. But then I added the energy, the life force to the second half…

Looking Deeply… Read More »

My New Fav Sunscreen

In years past, I’ve recommended Colorescience Sunforgettable SPF 30 powder, which is a powdered form of titanium dioxide that is micronized (yet *not* a nanoparticle) and I’ve also blogged about Mission Essentials, whose sunscreen is locally made and produced… I still like both products and use them from time to time, but they both contain titanium dioxide. In an effort to avoid titanium dioxide, I’ve kept up the search for the ultimate suncare cream.   I’ve found it. Here it is, ladies and gentlemen, the ultimate in sunscreen: Miessnce Reflect Outdoor Balm. Why is it my fav? It truly absorbs

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My attachment parenting bedtime storybook… and links to get your own right now!

    So do you have a little one you’d like to snuggle up with and read this story to? Or do you know the perfect new parents who could use this positive, supportive book to help establish a nighttime routine? Or do you have a baby shower to go to soon? Or do you just love picture books? Here is where you can get your copy on… and they ship free! Here is where you can get your autographed copy straight from me… and I ship with love!   Thank you so much for checking out my latest

My attachment parenting bedtime storybook… and links to get your own right now! Read More »

My newest children’s book…

I am so very happy and proud to reveal the cover of my newest children’s book Together We Sleep. This is a book I not only wrote and illustrated, but I lived. Though parenting books written by Dr. Sears and other attachment parenting leaders are full of advice on co-sleeping, there isn’t one single picture book that you could read aloud to your child about the natural beauty of sleep sharing. Until today. This book is gentle and beautiful and peaceful… filled with hand painted images of people and animals all around the world… animals in nature in every habitat

My newest children’s book… Read More »