cell phone

How To Protect Your Teens From EMF Exposures

Today I made a video for you to answer one of my most frequently asked questions: How can I protect my teenager from all the radiation they are exposed to?   These tips aren’t just applicable to teens, but would work well with anyone that seems a little resistant to (or even openly defiant about, lol!) considering that EMFs are harmful to our body’s health. With plans for 5G being implemented throughout our nation (and the globe) and our loved one’s exposures increasing dramatically, any little thing you can do to get them to understand that these exposures come with […]

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5G: The Good News and the Bad News (there is good news!)

5G: You may love or you may hate the advancement in technology that higher speeds might bring, but no matter how you feel about the tech, you are right to be concerned about the health ramifications.     Although the increase in the EMF and radiation exposures will have ramifications on humans, animals, vegetation and the environment of our planet earth, I am going to focus today on the health effects of 5G on the human body. I get emails from worried readers constantly, like this one:   Do you have any advise on the soon coming 5G that will

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How To Get Your Physician To Take EMF Sensitivity Seriously

When will physicians become serious about the diagnosis and treatment of electrosenstivity?   Soon.   There is a huge movement of physicians who are becoming aware and clear on how the non-stop onslaught of EMF exposures are affecting the physiology of the human body. Many physicians feel that autoimmune disorders, inflammatory disorders of all kinds, insomnia, nausea, chronic fatigue, pain, dizziness, headache, food allergies, chemical sensitivities, anxiety, depression and psychiatric disorders are all on the rise secondary to around-the-clock saturation of our bodies with radiation. Myself included.   So today, I wanted to give you some resource to share with

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Is It Safe To Ground Around EMFs?

  I must get thousands of emails — literally — asking me about grounding in areas where there are EMFs present (which, let’s face it, is basically everywhere.)       The medical literature is very very clear on this. So today, I wanted to share a ten minute video with you explaining what the clinical response is to your body when you are grounding with EMF fields all around you. This is one question we have a very definitive answer for. I also am going to give you a ton of resources for going further with protecting your conductive

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10 Ways To Use A Cell Phone More Safely

  On the heels of the largest cell phone study ever conducted, which I blog about here, I wanted to create a quick video giving you some easy, actionable ways to decrease your radiation exposure while still having access to your cell phone when you need to use it. I know I rely on my cell phone on a daily basis both personally and professionally… so I know that giving up my cell phone is not a realistic answer for me. But as a holistic physician, I also realize that every single cell in our body functions on the basis

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Thoughts On Health: A New Hazard of Cell Phone Use

This the third blog post I’ve done regarding non-ionizing radiation and it’s effects on us. With new articles (like this one, in the New York Times) constantly alerting the public of possible hazards to cell phone use, I wanted to give my readers the very latest thinking in the cell phone debate. The first blog post, discussing how cell phones may abnormally effect glucose metabolism in our brains on the side that the user holds the cell phone, introduced one possible explanation for the cell phone/brain tumor link that has been suggested in several studies. The second post, discussing the

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Thoughts On Health… Microwaving

This post could also be called Part Two of the post I wrote explaining the recent findings of cell phones disturbing brain metabolism. What do cell phones and the microwave have in common? Let me start at the beginning. We don’t use a microwave at all. We haven’t in several years… and yes, I understand that microwaving uses non-ionizing radiation, just like the non-ionizing radiation in light, TV, radio waves, etc… Most folks feel okay using a microwave once they figure out that it is not the same as the ionizing radiation in X-rays, nuclear radiation, etc… For us, it’s

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