
How To Make Room For 2024… In Your Living Spaces, In Your Body, In Your Life

  I can think of no better way to set the stage for a brand new year, 2024, to be full of expression and growth than to simplify and declutter at the start of the year. You need space to expand, it’s as simple as that. Clutter stops growth and expansion, and it affects your health, both mentally and physically. I want you to feel like your living space — whether it is a single room, an entire apartment, or a massive multilevel home — just wraps you up in a big hug of safety and security and joy, with […]

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Connecting With Others Protects Your Own Heart’s Health… Here’s How

      We all intuitively can feel that connecting with others boosts our health, right? How much better do you feel after a warm hug from a friend, the comforting squeeze of a partner’s hand, or the joy of laughing around a dinner table with your children. Sharing space with a loved one for even one minute is enough to completely turn a bad day into a good one. Medical studies have shown that increasing your connection to others not only improves your health, it actually increases your longevity. I feel this has something to do with the fact

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Why Your Pet Loves Your Grounding Mat (+ The Health Benefits Of Having A Pet)

    Does your pet fear thunderstorms or fireworks or other loud noises? Does your pet ever feel anxious or show signs of nervous energy?  You know, excessive licking, panting, barking, pacing, trembling? You might want to get them grounded.  A huge thank you to Scott Nixon, in Oldsmar, Florida, who noticed that his dog is fearful during thunderstorms, and found this article: Why Are Dogs Afraid Of Thunderstorms? In the article, chief scientific officer at the Center for Canine Behavior Studies Nick Dodman suggests that static build up that occurs in your pet’s coat of hair, and the resultant shocks

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Pets Boost Your Health For A Lifetime

From childhood throughout our entire adult life and elderly years, owning a pet gives us a a significant health boost that lasts a lifetime. Here’s what the medical literature has to say about why caring for an animal just might be one of the best things you can do to protect your health over a lifetime.   1. Childhood:   You’ve probably heard that exposure to dirt in childhood is an essential part of boosting immunity and decreasing future allergies… but did you know the same is true for animals? Early exposure to dogs and farm animals (during the first

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Pets Decrease Asthma Risk

  Since Mother’s Day was yesterday, today let’s talk about an important medical study that parents need to be aware of. You’ve probably heard that exposure to dirt in childhood is an essential part of boosting immunity and decreasing future allergies… …but did you know the same is true for animals?   It’s true. Early exposure to dogs and farm animals (during the first year of life) statistically significantly decreased the development of asthma in children 5+ years later. Published on November 2, 2015 in JAMA Pediatrics, researchers found that exposure to animals decreases future development of asthma, a very

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Custom Canvas, from start to finish!

I have, literally, just created one of the most fun custom paintings I have ever had the pleasure of painting! This one was so fun for me, I almost passed out a few times from the sheer cuteness of it all while I painted.   The original sketch of the artwork…   I love painting custom pet portraits. I offer that here in my Etsy shop. A fabulous woman over in the UK wanted me to paint some of her pets for her… pets past and present, all gathered together in a field. This is right up my alley, because

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