
Electrosensitivity and Grounding: How To Protect Your Conductive Health

    With modern society’s rapid and persistent rampage on creating ever stronger and stronger electromagnetic fields that affects our body’s ability to function, I want to make sure that our connection to the earth stays as safe as possible. Because even as our environment declines, we must find ways to preserve our healthy connection to the earth outside. After all, your conductive health is your biggest ally in healing and maintaining robust wellness for a lifetime. Connecting to the earth is the most natural form of healing there is! In fact, the very thing that makes grounding so powerful […]

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The Pentagon Already Knows That EMFs Are Impacting Brain Function… Here’s Why

    Adding to the most recent blog post I wrote for you on the harmful health effects of man-made EMF exposures, a new article published in Forbes last week shows that even the United States Department of Defense is taking EMF radiation and it’s effects on the human body seriously.   Especially the effects that man-made EMFs have on the human brain.   If you have teens, family members, co-workers, friends or other loved ones that scoff at you when you mention how cellphone radiation and other man-made EMF radiation sources are affecting your ability to think… this is

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Tips To Help Anyone Who Is Electrosensitive (EHS) Feel Better

Have you ever tried grounding and actually felt worse instead of better?   You are not alone, it happens all the time and it’s probably because you are electrohypersensitive (EHS). To me simply means you are so in touch with your own body, you can literally feel what so many people can’t: that you are a fully conductive organism and can feel your own conductive body interacting with the electrical activity of the environment around you. I think it’s a good thing to be that in touch with your own body.   I get so many questions on why grounding

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PureGround EMF Filtering & Shielding Cord: Your FAQs, Answered

  You all know how crucial I believe it is for our body’s to be connected to the earth outside, grounded.   And you also know how much I want to protect our bodies from EMFs and the harm done to our tissues from radiation exposures, which is now a medical fact.   Wanting to maintain the robust innate health of the human body through grounding while still shielding it from exposures to resonant EMFs and dirty electricity is what lead me to partner up with an electrical engineer (who graduated with his PhD from MIT) to develop the PureGround

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How To Get The Purest Ground Connection

  I get thousands of emails asking me about grounding in areas where there are EMFs present (which, let’s face it, is basically everywhere.)   The truth is that the very thing that makes grounding so powerful is that we are fully conductive human beings with every single cell in our body completely and totally conductive and ready to receive the earth’s healing energy. And the very thing that makes us so susceptible to EMF exposures is that we are fully conductive human beings, with every single cell in our body completely and totally conductive, which means we are affected

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