
The Healthiest Ways To Release Any Stuck Emotions

Last week I talked about how the energy flow through your living space makes a big impact on how you feel living there, and I gave a few super easy ways to increase the fresh energy flow through the room.   Likewise, the energy flow through your physical body determines how it feels to live in your body.   When the energy is flowing through your body, you are releasing the old and welcoming in the new and healing happens effortlessly. In fact, that is what happens when the energy flows through your body: it gives rise to emotions… emotions […]

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Inspiration For Your Journey Today

I am so blessed to receive emails from a dear soul named Michael.   Michael lives across the ocean from me yet speaks right to the heart of things so clearly that I feel as if he is standing right next to me.   Michael knows about big transitions, about pain, about suffering… and because of this he knows a lot about joy, and love, and interconnection.   You see, Michael has inoperable cancer. And yet, through this journey Michael feels alive, he feels love, and he understands more deeply than most of us that emotions are all interconnected… and

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Nurturing Your Own Health Through Difficult Times

I am going to re-post a great article I wrote last year… 10 ways to nurture your body and soul right in this very moment. It’s a blog post I’ve needed to go back and re-read to remember how to nurture my own soul as I travel through some difficult and dark times.   As I said on my Facebook Page: “A few weeks ago, I would have said the purpose in life is to soak in every second of it, enjoy it, laugh as much as possible, have fun, smile, and fill your heart with gratitude as much as

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The most vivid intuition I’ve ever gotten

My lovely grandma passed away early last Friday morning…   As I head up to here part of the country for services and to hug my beautiful precious mother and spend time with her, I feel extremely open to spirit and tender.   It is during these times I like to remember some of my most vivid intuitions and enjoy knowing my grandmother is a part of the pure, positive world of spirit.   I remember my very favorite spiritual vision I’ve ever had and I’d like to share that with you here today in memory of my grandmother’s life

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My Temper Tantrum

  Okay, I know all the blah blah blah. I know it’s healthy for children to grow up and find their own rhythm and pull away from their parents a little and yadda yadda yadda. I know the reason my daughter feels so comfortable finding her way and asking for space is because I have loved her deeply and thoroughly, and I know that giving her a solid ground is why she is able to fly. Beautiful… usually. But once in a while, I just want to throw a big ol’ temper tantrum and say it like it is: I

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