
Emotional Stress Directly Predicts Heart Attack… 10 Ways To Prevent It

  Finally, a medical study explains why there is a direct correlation between stress and heart attack. It turns out, increased brain activity in the area of emotional processing (the amygdala) directly increases the risk of cardiovascular events.   This study is the first to show that increased amygdala activity in humans strongly predicts cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack and angina. The amygdala is responsible for processing emotions, survival instincts and memory. That about sums up how stress feels: it’s an increased emotional load, a feeling of being overwhelmed when trying to navigate the situation, and traumatic memories […]

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Prevent A Fatal Heart Attack Naturally

  I’ve blogged before about how important Omega 3 fatty acids are for your brain, increasing brain volume and protecting against dementia… … and I’ve touched on how Omega 3 fatty acids are super hearth healthy after speaking with cardiologist Dr. Sinatra about holistic heart therapies… … but now there is more proof than ever that if you want to protect your longevity, make sure that consuming omega 3 fatty acids is part of your plan.   A new study, published on June 25, 2016 in JAMA Internal Medicine, shows that higher levels of Omega 3 fatty acids lowered the

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Saturated Fat Does NOT Increase Mortality

This week, many of us are heading into the holidays.   And as you head into a week of parties and connection and warmth and pot lucks and FOOD… I can think of no better holiday gift than this:   To share with you, directly from the medical literature, the truth that saturated fat does NOT increase mortality.     It’s not about the fat… saturated fat intake does not increase rate of death. It’s about the inflammation and the long term damage that inflammation does to your blood vasculature (and your entire body, from your gut lining to your

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How Long Does It Take For Earthing Help Your Body?

I notice in medicine and healthcare in general there is a lot of pressure on the patient to do things a certain way.   It causes undue stress that is just NOT necessary.     The classic example is exercise — patients are told to exercise three times a week for an hour each time and as a result, when they simply can’t find an hour to exercise they don’t do it at all. And that’s so wrong, because as I reported here, *anything* is sooo much better than nothing. Literally, just standing up from your chair and sitting right

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Probiotics Help Lower Blood Pressure

  Honestly, what can’t probiotics do? They lift your mood, help digestion, alleviate constipation, boost your immune system, control yeast and fungal overgrowth, promote healthy skin, and now…   … lower blood pressure!     A recent meta-analysis looked at over 9 different clinical trials spanning over 500+ patients, and found that consuming probiotics lead to a decrease in systolic blood pressure by an average of 3.5 mmHg… …and the results were even more beneficial for folks who consumed more than one type of probiotic.   Folks consuming more than one species of probiotics had an average drop of 5.8

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Poor Sleep Linked to Alzheimers: 9 Ways To Fix It.

For ages and ages, human beings followed the rhythm of the sun… going to sleep when the sun went down and rising with the sun in the morning. Our circadian rhythm was in concert with the earth and ensured that we got deep, restorative sleep in order to face the next day.   These days, artificial lighting and long work days mean that most people (myself included!) have some sort of sleep abnormality and/or circadian rhythm disruption. Although we know that lack of sleep causes everything from memory problems, fatigue, decreased concentration, stress, and increased food cravings, a recent study

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Stop Suffering… Embrace Your Adaptability

  “Staying Open Minded”   There’s a lot of suffering in thinking you should know and be right and figure things out and that sort of thing. When we are out there in ego, we believe we can know and should know. When we come back to center, we realize that we don’t know and we don’t need to know. So it’s a coming back to center that has us on the right path. – Cheri Huber The brain is our knowledge power house. It is our database, stores our memories, sorts facts, a filing cabinet which processes new information

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