
Earthing and Weight Loss… appear in The Grounded movie with me!

  For my local peeps… let’s hang out in person on June 14th and I’ll explain an exciting new study I’m conducting that I want you to be a part of! Effortless weight loss. No diet. No exercise. Just plug into the soothing awesome power of the earth and let Mother Earth reset your weight. If you have between 15 to 30 lbs to lose, come find out more at my informational meeting in Mount Pleasant on June 14th at 6PM.   I’ll be explaining my new study, which looks at the connection between the earth and weight: how connecting […]

Earthing and Weight Loss… appear in The Grounded movie with me! Read More »

I’m Waiting To Give You My Free Printable Chakra Checklist…

… and an entire free seminar! And joining me are a whole bunch of amazing healers in this years 2012 Energy Healers Conference. Starting next Monday (May 28th) and running all week-long, you can have free and exclusive access to a ton of health and inspirational healers who talk on a large variety of subjects.   Of special note is Susun Weed, a famous herbalist who was extremely inspirational to me and greatly contributed to my desire to write my Female Health and Empowerment book… which remains my very favorite and most powerful ebook that I’ve written so far… Also

I’m Waiting To Give You My Free Printable Chakra Checklist… Read More »

Releasing Weight and Food Issues (guest post)

Do you all remember my dear friend Aleka? She’s been a guest blogger here several times… if you missed it, check out her previous posts here and here. I just love her. She sees things with such a powerful clarity that it can take your breath away. She has popped on over here again this time to share some very exciting news… about a new on-line support course for food and weight issues that is very intensive and healing… combining daily emails, a private on-line chat room, and personal sessions one-on-one with Aleka directly. Aleka has a background in nutrition

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Thoughts on Health FAQ… Healthy Cooking and Joyful Eating

My morning coffee… in a mug that my son painted for me Every single thing that goes into my body right now has to bring me joy, or I’m not putting it in my mouth. I’ve always lived by this philosophy… eating only the foods I *love* and feel great about… and I’ve always had a healthy relationship with my weight and my body. If I don’t like it, no matter how healthy I think it is… it doesn’t go in my mouth. And if I love it, really love it, feeling no guilt what-so-ever associated with it, I eat

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