Healthy Weight

How Your Digestion is Linked To Your Emotions

Everybody already knows this… that digestion and emotions are directly linked. You know that sudden feeling when you are scared and you become instantly nauseous? As a mom I got that feeling all the time when my kids were younger and I lost sight of them for a moment in a public place. It’s a horrendous feeling… it doesn’t matter how hungry you were or how long since your last meal — in life-or-death situations, hunger immediately evaporates and the rest of your senses are heightened (heart pounding and ears and eyes on maximum alert) and you scan the crowd […]

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Chakras and Food — You are (how you feel about) what you eat!

Hi Peeps!!! Last Monday I talked about my vision that intuition and medicine can be completely compatible with each other, each providing information that can exponentially strengthen health when combined. So today I want to give you the perfect example of this… how medical knowledge of the human body is enhanced by intuitive knowledge about food choices. Many times the food *struggles* that my patients thought they were having weren’t really struggles at all. It was their body trying to tell them what it needs. Often the person has food cravings that are absolutely perfect for the energy work they

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Why Our Brain Craves FAT!!!

This is a blog post I wrote last year and it is the perfect time to re-release it as it explains a bit about what brains need to grow and remain flexible and make new connections. Especially in those early childhood years. I really enjoyed writing this post and hope you will find it full of not only solid medical advice but also heart open intuitive advice as well. Here we go:     Concerned parents ask me all the time if they should be forcing their children to eat a certain amount of veggies each day, and still other

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Thoughts On Health… Eat Your Bacteria!

Hello folks! I hope you are having a great fall so far! I thought I’d do a round-up for you on my favorite way to get my probiotic cultures in. And in my kids. Yes, yogurt has probiotics, but unless you select one that specifically states the amount of probiotic cultures it has on the label, the amount of probiotics you are getting from regular yogurt is really small. At the very beginning of the probiotic trend, I resisted. First of all, I *gasp* actually hate yogurt. My kids and hubby like it but I seriously have to force it

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Thoughts On Health… my fav water filter

  You all know how I feel about fluoride. I’ve blogged here about why I avoid it in my toothpaste and why I don’t really want to be drinking it, either. In fact, as I get older and have passed the age of peak bone density (and anyone who is over the age of 30 has) I want to preserve bone mass more than ever. I really think it is important that I avoid fluoride altogether (and soy too.) Alas, this is impossible. If you eat food grown from the earth, you consume fluoride. Thanks to the government mass medicating

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Ode to a blueberry

  It’s blueberry season here… get ’em while you can!     My lovely friend the blueberry, how do I love thee? 1. I love thee because you are local and native to our country… the perfect food if you are looking to eat locally and eat healthy. 2. I love thee because you are loaded in fiber, vitamin C, manganese, and vitamin E. 3. I love thee because you are loaded in antioxidants, especially the anthocyanins. 4. I love thee because you can be frozen for storage and still retain full antioxidant powers. 5. I love thee because even

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Thoughts On Health, Thyroid

I am busy getting ready for the next Etsy show in downtown Charleston… it will be this Saturday, from 10AM to 3PM in the Music Farm. Stop by and say hi! I will be bringing lots of stuff… brand new necklaces I have not released into my shop yet, reusable grocery totes, art prints, notecard sets, my book… but the best part is I will have a great sale running on anyone who signs up for any of my Health eCourses. I will have the kits ready to give to you to take home in hand, and fabulous pricing on

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