Soul Healing

Thoughts On Health… Crossing Over

“Moving On” There is a special kind of sweetness that comes when someone you love has passed away but you know they are re-joining their soulmate who awaits them. This has happened to me twice in the past six months… I’ve felt a very definite *relief* and deep joy mixed into the sadness and mucky human emotions that death brings up. It’s as though I can feel the joy that this person has in being once again hand-in-hand with the spouse that they missed so much. I get a feeling that they are not looking back as much as folks […]

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Pain and Joy together, at the same time.

My grandfather passed away last night… and while I’m feeling full of gratitude that he is reunited with the love of his life, my Grams, I am feeling the rawness in my own heart today. I want to thank him for being exactly who he was and for giving me the overwhelming gift of bringing my own father into this world. My dad is one of my most favorite people of all time, and because of my grandfather, he exists, I exist, my children exist. I am re-posting this blog post from last April, as out past the sorrow of

Pain and Joy together, at the same time. Read More »

My Favorite Winter Solstice tradition… releasing our dreams into the night

Last year I posted this celebration idea *after* Winter Solstice, which does you… dear reader… no good. So this year I wanted to post it the week before… it’s such a simple, easy, and sweet way to mark the darkest day with honor and a bit of candlelight. It is something my entire family looks forward to every year. This Winter Solstice we’ll be traveling, but I’m taking some slips of paper and a few matches so that we can create our sacred space wherever we are. I would love to know that a few of you are out there

My Favorite Winter Solstice tradition… releasing our dreams into the night Read More »

Thoughts On Health… Tribute to a friend

Last weekend, someone I love very dearly passed away. The kind of someone who you know you had a soul contract with… someone who comes into your life and forever alters the path you walk. She was someone who I know I will have a lifetime with again one day… someone who came into my life at the exact perfect time and who opened my eyes to life in a way I had never been able to grasp before. Ever since she transitioned on, I can feel her. Closer than ever, I hold tightly to her presence in my life.

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What it feels like to go back Home.

So I was telling my kids about my recent trip out of the Universe… how it felt so light and expansive to reach past the confines of our universe… and my daughter instantly knew what I was trying to say.   “It reminds me of how I feel when I am swimming. I am holding my breath underwater, and as I come up to the surface, I break through the top and take a big free breath. It feels amazing,” Clara said.   Holy. Crap. YES!   This is what took me paragraph after paragraph to try to explain on

What it feels like to go back Home. Read More »

My trip outside of the Universe (warning… gotta suspend judgment to make it through this post!)

  You might have to bear with me for this post. I feel like I’m taking a risk sharing this with you here… not the typical blog post you might expect from a rational sane educated woman… so be kind to me here. I just feel moved to share with you this crazy daydream I had. You could call it a vision… a trip outside of the Universe. No drugs involved, I swear. What got me there was love. Pure love! Let me explain: I was driving with my kids and listening to music and hearing them chat back and

My trip outside of the Universe (warning… gotta suspend judgment to make it through this post!) Read More »

Thoughts on Health… A Poem That Wrote Itself

a close up on my All Is Well original painting Welcome back from the holidays!!!! This Monday I was planning on doing a FAQ about Homeschooling… until I woke up this morning with a poem half out of my head and the other half wiggling out. I didn’t want to forget a word of it, so I grabbed a dull pencil from my nightstand and wrote the words down in the margins of the closest book I could find. I’m walking a very raw path right now… transforming and still in the creative process of merging my old life (analytical,

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