
New Original Canvas Paintings up in shop!

Wish Flowers… a painting about an entire lifetime Never Alone… you never are! Nighttime Frolic… I love this one! A New Day, the original painting Bursting with Life! An original painting on cancer awareness and healing The Castle Remains… my husband’s favorite painting! Driftwood, original canvas painting Quick shop update… several new canvases listed for sale… some new ones, and some old ones that I was previously selling only as prints, I’m now making the original painting available for sale. Thanks so much for taking a look at my shop, and for passing the link along to any loved ones […]

New Original Canvas Paintings up in shop! Read More »

Thoughts on Health… Our Hearts

“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” – Rumi When I sat down to brainstorm how I was going to make an inspirational collage of the heart out of my med school anatomy book, I started by making a list. A list of all the words that I felt represented the *energy* of the heart. Truth. Love. Joy. Heartsong. Re-centering. Life Force. Source. Freedom. Health. Gratitude. Obviously we have a heart to pump blood (and thereby deliver oxygen and nutrition) to every

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Guest blog on being an Artist Trapped in a Physician’s body

First of all, YIPPEE! My blog is back! I hated not being able to post this past week and a half… but I’m up and running again, with a new website. There are lots of new features, starting with a main homepage, and tabs for the shop, my blog, etc… On Monday, I temporarily was able to satisfy my urge to blog (while my own site was down for construction) by guest blogging on the fabulous Art Snark’s blog. I wrote an article on how the world of health collides with the world of art. Please check it out! I’ll

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Opening to intuition

“Dynamic Universe” I painted this canvas for a customer who wanted something similar to my original canvas painting “Love Is Everywhere,” but larger. I asked if she had any specific requests for this newer version, but she gave me complete artistic license to follow my gut while painting it. And I’m so very glad she did. I had no idea what was to come, but I trusted and gave it a start. I love how the background took on a richer, more orange hue… and as I worked the many layers into the canvas, I noticed this orange color really

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My daughter, the artist

I’ve known for quite a long time that my daughter is extremely skilled at drawing. She could draw animals and people with details like facial features and horns and beaks and tails when she was just one and a half years old. I had an acquaintance tell me right to my face that this was impossible at age one, the brain couldn’t handle it. My daughter’s brain can. Simple as that. She is really amazing at art. At 8 years old, she is by several decades the youngest person in a clay class we take together. Her stuff is always

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When my physician self and my artist self collide… look out!

A dozen new cards and three boxed sets are being slowly added to the shop this weekend… I’m enjoying seeing them come to life as cards, after I put so much of my soul into painting each one… it’s fun to think of them reincarnated as a greeting to some dear friend or love! There is one card I want to showcase to you in particular. It is my favorite, but I think it is likely to get overlooked. It isn’t my best painting, or my splashiest colors, or even instantly understandable. But it is my favorite, none-the-less. Because it

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