
What it feels like to go back Home.

So I was telling my kids about my recent trip out of the Universe… how it felt so light and expansive to reach past the confines of our universe… and my daughter instantly knew what I was trying to say.   “It reminds me of how I feel when I am swimming. I am holding my breath underwater, and as I come up to the surface, I break through the top and take a big free breath. It feels amazing,” Clara said.   Holy. Crap. YES!   This is what took me paragraph after paragraph to try to explain on […]

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Custom Canvas, from start to finish!

I have, literally, just created one of the most fun custom paintings I have ever had the pleasure of painting! This one was so fun for me, I almost passed out a few times from the sheer cuteness of it all while I painted.   The original sketch of the artwork…   I love painting custom pet portraits. I offer that here in my Etsy shop. A fabulous woman over in the UK wanted me to paint some of her pets for her… pets past and present, all gathered together in a field. This is right up my alley, because

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A Goddess Delivers…

  A Goddess Delivers, canvas and Giclee prints and cards now available in my shop!   My lovely midwife and herbalist friend Adrienne Leeds, of Abundant B’earth, was generous enough to share a writing from Whapio Diane Bartlett called The Holistic Stages of Labor that I truly enjoyed, and *felt* very much like what I wanted to convey in my painting: “The time of the Birthing Tides generally feels good to women. No matter how tiring or exhausting her journey, the Mother experiences a second wind, a new spurt of energy and excitement. The birth now becomes more of an

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Cleopatra, A Mummy, and Some of My All-Time Favorite Etsy Artists

My daughter wants to be an archaeologist some day… some day soon. I’ve talked about how our backyard is the site of her first dig… and how she has a deep connection to Ancient Egypt. One thing that I wanted to give her for Christmas was some Egyptian Art for her walls. I couldn’t find anything that was just perfect for my little Cleopatra… so I decided to make her something. I lucked upon this amazing Etsy shop, The Octopode Factory. It is full of awesome characters and artwork, that you can purchase and print out for use in your

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My Favorite Thing… In the Bedroom

Blues and greens and browns… soothing to me. And if you recognize those curtains, yes… they used to be in my dining room! This week’s My Favorite Thing is the bedroom… and I’m just warnin’ ya, there are going to be a LOT of pictures! What I love most is that clump of pictures hanging right on the wall… Here is my bedroom… although I don’t get to see it like this much. Picture the bed messed up, the pull out love seat opened up into a sofa bed, tons of Legos everywhere, and lint and dog hair making an

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Book Teaser

Oh, oh, oh… I’m so excited!!! I know it’s the weekend and I’m breaking my own, self-imposed, only-three-blog-posts-a-week-maximum rule, but I couldn’t wait to share this with you guys… my new book cover! I’ll keep you posted. Should be available within a few weeks… but this little guy has so much joy in his heart, I couldn’t hold him back that long. Here he is… it’s official… meet Jake 🙂 Thanks so much for sharing in my happiness… xoxo

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Thoughts on Health… the Brain

There’s a lot of suffering in thinking you should know and be right and figure things out and that sort of thing. When we are out there in ego, we believe we can know and should know. When we come back to center, we realize that we don’t know and we don’t need to know. So it’s a coming back to center that has us on the right path. – Cheri Huber The brain is our knowledge power house. It is our database, stores our memories, sorts facts, a filing cabinet which processes new information and fits in into our

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