
Rainbow craft goodness

  Last week, my children and I had fun working on a project I had seen all over the bloggersphere… in too many places to even credit (just google crayon art) it is all over Pinterest, StumbledUpon, and blogs galore.     Miles and Clara did an amazing job on theirs… so good I just have to frame and hang them! I just love these… somehow they combine the spirit of childhood with freedom and flow… melting crayons into something new, each one totally unique… it is just pure fun.   If you want to create your own this weekend, […]

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Quote Splat #4

We don’t see things as they are. We see things as we are. – Anais Nin         Okay, so this is my fourth favorite quote in the world. One I am still just barely beginning to grasp the enormous truth of, as I make my way through this life seeing it echo again and again and again. Both in my own self and in others. It’s just so beautiful and so true, in everything. In the way I see that people who truly feel good see so much good in others. In the way that every conflict

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Fav Quote #3

  Let us not look back in anger, nor forward in fear, But around in awareness. – James Thurber       I love this quote! One of my favorite quotes of all time, I wanted to capture it on paper and bring the meaning alive. This is my third quote splat… just a weekly series of fun, silly, low-key illustrations that I splat onto the page in just a few minutes, off the cuff, to accompany my favorite quotes. To illustrate the “looking back in anger” I painted the left side of the paper red and filled it up

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Quote Splat #2… fav quote from Buechner

Listen to your life, See it for the fathomless mystery that it is. In the boredom and pain of it No less then in the excitement and gladness. – Frederick Buechner           Okay, so I admit it. Sometimes I really need this reminder. Sure, I can see the beauty in every day and in the earth and the trees and the wind and in my child’s laughter and in my husband’s eyes. Even in the pain of life… But in the boredom? It’s just so… boring. Yet I love that Buechner chose that word specifically… it’s

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Quote Splat #1

There are hundreds of paths up the mountain all leading in the same direction, so it doesn’t matter which path you take. The only one wasting time is one who runs around and around the mountain, telling everyone that his or her path is wrong. – Hindu saying         Quote Splat is just for fun. I have been doing so much art for “work” that I hadn’t created much art for pure fun lately. I decided to take just a little bit of time each week to take one of my very favorite quotes, and throw it

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Thoughts on health… the creative process aint always pretty.

    Hi! I spent a good portion of the weekend having fun with my paints and papers and favorite quotes for a set of artwork I’m creating called Quote Splat. For no other reason then I woke up one day and decided to write down my top 10 favorite quotes of all time and illustrate them. I’m going to start showing them to you every Wednesday starting this Wednesday and giving them away each week for free! Because creating anything… whether it is art or a meal or a new way to help your loved ones laugh or a

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What it feels like to go back Home.

So I was telling my kids about my recent trip out of the Universe… how it felt so light and expansive to reach past the confines of our universe… and my daughter instantly knew what I was trying to say.   “It reminds me of how I feel when I am swimming. I am holding my breath underwater, and as I come up to the surface, I break through the top and take a big free breath. It feels amazing,” Clara said.   Holy. Crap. YES!   This is what took me paragraph after paragraph to try to explain on

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