eco friendly

Spring Checklist: Feel Completely Renewed Inside And Out

Spring is my favorite season.   And I’ve got a list for you today of lots of great things you can do to optimize your health during this time of renewal and awakening!   1. Start Spring with a Spring Detox   I start every spring taking 5 days to renew my health from the inside out, releasing old toxins, resetting my pH from the heavy winter foods, mobilizing my energy, releasing winter weight accumulation and flushing in a whole new level of health and possibility.   I’ve written out exactly what I do and how I do it… No, […]

Spring Checklist: Feel Completely Renewed Inside And Out Read More »

To Prepare For Spring…

  I love to fill this blog with lots of ways you can support your own health in your own home. I believe health is your birthright and your natural state. One of the best ways you can support your own health is to take charge of the food you put in your body.   Beyond checking labels and shopping organic and eco-friendly packaging… I’m talking more intimate than that. I’m talking growing your own food in your own garden to support the health of your body.   Not only will the organic foods be more delicious and nutritious, but

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10 Things I’m Doing Right Now To Prepare For Fall

Ahhh… fall. How I love you. The cooler mornings. The walks outside. Leaves swirling through the air. Loading up on firewood for the winter. My children laughing as they swing, run, play, spend more time outside than ever before. Oh, but how you hold a dark secret inside of you. You don’t fool me for one instant… I know that the cooler mornings and campfire evenings are possible because of your tilt away from the sun… and how the days are now shorter than the nights, until they are so brief we wake up to darkness and eat dinner in

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The Two Healthiest Ways To Have A Period Are Also The Two Cheapest!

For my last period, I couldn’t find my much beloved Diva cup. (I can literally hear all the guys reading this instantly click off this blog post, but if you are brave enough to make it past that first sentence I think you’ve made it past the hard part.) Well, I was debating whether to use the cloth pads my daughter uses or break down and use a tampon, which I haven’t used in years and years. I didn’t really love the idea of going through my week wearing cloth pads exclusively around the clock… but in the end I

The Two Healthiest Ways To Have A Period Are Also The Two Cheapest! Read More »

My secret to wiping out pit stink FOREVER!!! Even in the hottest weather!!!!

Never thought I’d be blogging about my armpit, so I had no idea what picture to put with this post… but luckily my hubby accidentally shot a random outtake picture of my pit/shoulder area when he was taking necklace pictures for me. So here we go… Armpit funk. I’ve had it all my life. Not super bad, mind you… just a little stickiness when I wake up in the morning, or afternoon funk from the southern heat of the SC lowcountry. I’ve tried lots of natural deodorants (I refuse to use antiperspirants) and enjoy them… but find they don’t it

My secret to wiping out pit stink FOREVER!!! Even in the hottest weather!!!! Read More »

Awesome idea… eco-friendly garden border

                        This is such an amazing idea. I love it, and can’t wait to get started on this in my own garden. Living in the south I LOVE the bottle trees all over (so much so that I painted one!) and this is another cool way to extend that funky vibe along the border of your garden. And bonus, it’s a great eco-friendly way to recycle your wine bottles and other glass bottles, and double bonus, create an artistic and unique garden edging for FREE!!!! So whether you love

Awesome idea… eco-friendly garden border Read More »

Spring Cleaning!

On Monday I talked about how to naturally and easily thwart those seasonal allergies that are flare each spring.   Check it out if you missed it… full of things you can try today in order to decrease your allergies tomorrow!!   Today I thought I’d give a few more ideas for the second thing that crosses my mind each spring besides allergies… spring cleaning!!!   Spring Cleaning Tip #1:   I found my new favorite household disinfectant spray… it is eco-friendly, antibacterial, degreases, and shines. It is SOOOOO cheap that the cost is reason enough to use it. And

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