
Knowing What Won’t Ground You Outside Is As Important As Knowing What Will

    I recently got this fabulous question from a reader:   “I was wondering if you can effectively ground through cement? I was under the impression that you needed to be on grass, dirt or sand. I live in Las Vegas, lots of concrete with very dry dirt and stone.” – G. D.   I love this question because it’s super important to know not just what will ground you when you head outside… but what actually might be preventing you from being grounded at all. Sadly, you can spend your entire day outside — eating outside, playing games […]

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10 Ways Grounding Can Directly Support Your Health During This Pandemic

  I’ve gotten lots of emails asking if grounding is a good idea as a way to boost health during this pandemic. The medical literature suggests the answer to this is a resounding “Yes!” for many reasons, probably more than you think. As you might know, most patients who suffer serious illness during Covid19 infection do so because of the body’s inflammatory response (the often referred to “cytokine storm” in the lung adds to this), subsequent hypoxia from lung inflammation, and hypercoagulation of the blood, leading to blood clots. These three reactions the body creates as a response to coronavirus

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Grounding While You Eat, A Game Changer For Your Digestion (+ Freebies)

  Why does food always taste better at a picnic? Why does your morning coffee seem so much more satisfying when you take it outside to your front doorstep? Why do you never seem to feel the same heartburn or bloating or indigestion when you eat lunch outside on your lunch break instead of inside at your desk? Why is cooking dinner over an outdoor campfire or grill so much more fulfilling than cooking the same meal indoors?     Grounding has a profound impact on your digestion, boosting your vagal tone (which supports the function of your entire digestive

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It’s Way Too Cold For Me Outside… What I Do To Stay Grounded

I hate cold. OMG I hate cold.   I am super honest about that. Even though I just finished writing my new book: The Earth Prescription which has an entire chapter filled with the most fabulous Winter Grounding Ideas, I am totally transparent in disclosing that I just completely hate the cold. Until you can get your hands on that book and have unlimited ideas on grounding in the winter (you can pre-order autographed copies right here to be the first to get your hands on it!) I have created a bunch of videos for you to demonstrate how you

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Grounding To Release Chronic Issues

    For the last 4 weeks we’ve talked about how grounding helps with acute issues, like: decreasing your muscle tension and soreness deepening your sleep supporting your heart function boosting your metabolism and balancing your hormone function… sometimes overnight!   So when we talk about grounding, it’s usually because there are instant perks: immediate pain relief instantaneous release of muscle tension immediate boost to energy and mood immediately improved blood flow, etc…   But did you know that grounding is actually even more helpful in chronic conditions — disabilities or illnesses that need support over a lifetime? This is

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Grounding To Boost Your Metabolism & Lose Weight

  Directly touching the earth impacts your metabolic functions, and as I found out, can even help you lose weight.   The first study to look at the basal metabolic rate of grounding was published in 2010. In this study, half of the participants were grounded and half were sham-grounded in a double-blind placebo-controlled study. After grounding (or sham grounding) the patients for 40 minutes, all of the parameters of metabolic function immediately improved in all of the grounded patients, but that boost was not seen in any of the ungrounded patients. Heart rate increased slightly, respiratory rate increased, and

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Your Brain On Mother Earth

  There is a beautiful relationship that our brain has with the energy of mother earth. This helps support everything our brain helps us to do — from enhancing our mood to maintaining a healthy weight to deepening our restorative sleep.   Most people believe that our circadian (day/night) rhythm is dependant on sunlight to set that pattern for us, but scientists have actually known since 1970 that the earth’s energy field has as much, if not more, to do with our sleep/wake pattern than even the sun. Here’s how:   Researchers built two underground isolation chambers that completely cut

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