
5 Crucial Ways To Support Your Child As They Head Back To School

    It’s mid-august, and that means back-to-school season, so the next three blog posts are here to help support your transition to that this time brings. There can be a lot of stress associated with back-to-school season.   For some, back-to-school means an increased risk of in person bullying (as well as social media bullying) and scary headlines that include school shootings, piled on top of the normal stressors of navigating growing up and figuring out a career goal and growing from a child’s body into an adult body and all the growing pains in between, as well as […]

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Connecting With Others Protects Your Own Heart’s Health… Here’s How

      We all intuitively can feel that connecting with others boosts our health, right? How much better do you feel after a warm hug from a friend, the comforting squeeze of a partner’s hand, or the joy of laughing around a dinner table with your children. Sharing space with a loved one for even one minute is enough to completely turn a bad day into a good one. Medical studies have shown that increasing your connection to others not only improves your health, it actually increases your longevity. I feel this has something to do with the fact

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When It’s Too Cold To Exercise, Do This Instead — For Similar Health Benefits!

    I love anything that boosts circulation because I know how crucial it is to get healing blood flow throughout your entire body… carrying much needed nutrients and oxygen to all the tissues and organ systems of your body.  So I’m a big fan of the health benefits of movement and exercise, as I’ve blogged for you here: Try Not To Sit Still For More Than 2 Hours At A Time Today, Here’s Why Moving Your Body Helps Your Brain Function Better, Immediately. How To Discover Your Play Style, And Use It To Improve Your Health      

When It’s Too Cold To Exercise, Do This Instead — For Similar Health Benefits! Read More »

New Study Finally Reveals If Vitamins Help Improve Cognition As We Age

    A new study, published Sept 14, 2022 in Alzheimers & Dementia, is the largest randomized clinical trial on multivitamin use in healthy brain aging.  It’s a three year long trial following annual cognitive assessments on over 2,250 patients that were randomly assigned either a daily multivitamin, a 500 mg daily flavanol supplement (from cocoa extract) or a placebo supplement. What researchers found was that not only did taking a daily vitamin help preserve cognitive function, but it actually helped significantly improve it over baseline (and over placebo) by the third year.  Meaning it didn’t just help prevent cognitive

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A Fall Checklist To Decrease Your Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

  The fall Equinox was Thursday so we are officially into fall now!  And for so many of us, shorter days and longer nights means a dip in our mood. Fortunately, there are lots of great things to do to get prepared as the seasons change. Of course there are things like pulling out your sweaters and boots and knitting a scarf or two and planting a winter garden and getting the fireplace cleaned that you might look forward to this fall. But one thing that I get every year, and absolutely never look forward to, is a drop in my

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How To Find Inner Clarity And Use It To Stick To Your Long Term Health Goals

Last winter I attended a wonderful medical conference in which I had the pleasure of hearing Dr. Terry Wahls speak. She is so impressive, with the amount of medical experience, knowledge and wisdom she possesses… particularly in the field of autoimmune disorders and how diet impacts our body’s health.  Visit her website here if you are interested in learning more about that. That’s not what I loved most, however.  The part I loved most was when she talked about helping patients get clear on why they even want to do the work of healing in the first place. She walked

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How Your Intuition Impacts Your Body’s Health And How To Optimize It

    Intuition is in our cellular structure… literally. There is a physical biology behind intuition. Using intuitive guidance is actually in the design of our cells, in the design of our DNA, it’s in the design of our existence. Dr. Bruce Lipton, PhD, pioneered the ground breaking revelation that it is not our DNA that is a master template that our bodies are wired around, but it is actually the exact opposite: DNA stands to serve as a resource for incoming information and directives to use as a raw material for expression. This is the science of epigenetics —

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