
Lithium In Our Drinking Water?

Many recent studies have come out lately showing just how important the mineral lithium is to our health. And I’m all for whatever natural solutions we can find to preserve health… but not this one.   I’ll give you details below on studies that show that long term lithium use is associated with a reduced risk of dementia, and this is on top of previous studies that show that lithium may actually lower our over all lifetime risk of cancer. But adding it to the water supply, instead of just recommending lithium supplementation? Uh… no. I’m not good with that. […]

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11 Holistic Ways To Feel Your Best This Fall

We are in mid September now, and the fall Equinox is this Friday. And for so many of us… …shorter days and longer nights means a dip in our mood.   Fortunately, there are lots of great things to do to get prepared as the seasons change.   Of course there are things like pulling out your sweaters and boots and knitting a scarf or two and planting a winter garden and getting the fireplace cleaned that you might look forward to this fall. But one thing that I get every year, and absolutely never look forward to, is a

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Resolving PTSD, OCD, Tobacco and Drug Addiction Too

A recent medical study came out looking at the natural supplement N-Acetylcysteine (NAC for short) in healing the brain after trauma… …with fantastic results.   NAC is a potent brain antioxidant and protector — found essential in the healing of the brain after impact injury (such as concussion) so researchers wanted to investigate if this supplement could actually help heal the brain after different types of mental injury as well… such as PTSD and addiction. It’s not often that a holistic supplement is studied this extensively and found to have such robust positive outcomes, yet it’s not something that I’ve

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5 Things You Can Do To Naturally Lift Depression

Yet another medical study continues to verify that probiotics absolutely robustly treat depression.   Researchers found that only 4 weeks — just ONE MONTH — of probiotic therapy significantly lifted depression, decreased anhedonia, reversed sleep disturbances… and that these improvements were still sustained months later. These results are so impressive because probiotics had zero of the adverse side effects that prescriptions antidepressants do and can safely be taken indefinitely. The Study: (presented at the 13th World Congress of Biological Psychiatry on June 19, 2017) 10 patients with major depressive disorder in a current episode of depression were treated with a

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This supplement decreases diabetic pain (and decreases asthma flares too!)

I’ve already told you about a recent study that shows low Vit D is a risk factor for developing diabetes. Today’s medical literature review further confirms the role of Vitamin D in not just preventing diabetes, but actually treating diabetic pain once it has already developed…. …after just ONE DOSE!   Which is huge. Because not only does Vit D increase insulin sensitivity and prevent diabetes, but it actually gives you a tool to help treat issues such as diabetic nerve pain once it has developed.   The Study: Researchers studied over 140 participants with Type 2 Diabetes who suffered

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The Easiest Way I Know To Fall Asleep Faster

Insomnia is a huge problem, one that begs to be resolved during the winter months. Mother Nature offers you shorter days, longer nights, cooler temperatures… all in an effort to get you hibernating each winter and prepared for the year ahead.   If a little winter hibernation is eluding you, today’s medical study can help. It’s long been known that cooler temperatures help deepen sleep. Typical advice is to make the bedroom a little cooler at nighttime (68 – 70 degrees is ideal) and never sleep with socks on (one study cites that sleeping with socks on increases the incidence

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Your Gut And Brain Are Connected (Duh!)

Have irritable bowel syndrome or other symptoms of gastrointestinal distress?   Researchers are now figuring out what we’ve all known all along… …that not only is our brain health connected to our gut health, but our gut health is connected to our brain health!   You already know this… that your digestion and your thoughts and feelings are directly linked. You know that sudden feeling when you are scared and you become instantly nauseous? As a mom I got that feeling all the time when my kids were younger and I lost sight of them for a moment in a

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