
Life Is Simply: Take The Very Next Step

I had an idea for my next painting. So I got busy drawing it and then I got busy painting it. Because that’s all life really is… …having an idea and taking the next logical step towards it, and then the next.   Life is all about just taking the next step. And the next one. And the next. And then the one after that. Even when it feels like you are looping around in the same pattern over and over and over again… you are not. It’s not possible. Just as it is impossible to breathe the same breath […]

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Sneak Peek (and first listen!) into The Grounded Soundtrack

Last week I shared how I painted the front cover of the soundtrack to the motion picture The Grounded.   This week, I want to take you behind the scenes of the creation of the back cover of the CD.   The amazing and talented composer Stuart Mitchell gave me free rein over the design of the back cover. Here is what I came up with!     1. Sketch out a composition until happy with the design, then draw onto a canvas. For the back of the CD, I wanted to show footprints on sand:     2. Paint

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Painting the Energy of The Heart

Since this is Heart Health Month, it’s the perfect time to show you a little behind-the-scenes of a painting series I just finished!   I thought it would be fun to show you all the different layers of paint that went into the final painting.   I generally get images or ideas of what I want to paint as I lay in bed at night inviting sleep in.   One night I felt overcome with the desire to capture healing images of each chakra, so I spent a few weeks honing in on the words I felt activates the energy

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The most vivid intuition I’ve ever gotten

My lovely grandma passed away early last Friday morning…   As I head up to here part of the country for services and to hug my beautiful precious mother and spend time with her, I feel extremely open to spirit and tender.   It is during these times I like to remember some of my most vivid intuitions and enjoy knowing my grandmother is a part of the pure, positive world of spirit.   I remember my very favorite spiritual vision I’ve ever had and I’d like to share that with you here today in memory of my grandmother’s life

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Empowered Birth Awareness, save the date!

I was watching Good Luck Charlie the other evening with my daughter on The Disney Channel, and the mother of the sitcom went into labor as part of the plot line. As predicted, the following scenes were full of screaming and panic. I leaned over to my daughter and told her, like I have many many times before, that real birth is not like this. That giving birth to a baby is one of the most natural things we do as women, in fact, it is the reason that human being have survived on this planet in the first place!

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Songs that uplift me…

My dear friend Jorie (hi babe!!!) has a facebook group dedicated to sharing uplifting music. That’s where I heard of about 80% of the songs I love… so if you like these and want more, head on over and like her FB group called: Moved By The Music. If you love pop music, try… Everybody, by Ingrid Michaelson If you love jazz, try… Bring Me Sunshine, by The Jive Aces (give it a minute, it starts slow but is garunteed to make you smile…) If you love reggae, try… Shine, by Aswad If you want to feel joy, try… Give

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Inspiration Wednesday… Your New Rx

  You know all those prescription commercials you see on TV? The ones where they have some actor smile and say how much better they feel on a certain medication? And then the actor walks along a glistening beach playing fetch with her dog while some slick, fast speaking man says things like “side effects include, but are not limited to: rash, headache, nausea, diarrhea, infection, depression, mental status change, stroke, heart attack, or death. Do not take this drug while taking any other drug. Do not use this drug if you are pregnant, nursing, laying down, standing up, living,

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