
Your Magical Beating Heart, Made From Stars (& My Latest Painting Of It)

    You have probably heard about the Golden Ratio (in math it’s known as Phi) before — it is a pervasive pattern in both nature as well as in the natural design of our human anatomy. Even if you didn’t know it was called the Golden Ratio, you’ve probably seen figures like this one — first described by Leonardo da Vinci — that show our body’s torso proportions, limb proportions, facial proportions, finger and toe proportions, external ear proportions, etc… are all designed according to this beautiful, reproducible mathematic principle:     This ratio is a common theme in […]

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Microplastics Are A Measurable Portion Of Your Body, Here’s How To Decrease That Amount

  We’ve known about the toxic effect of microplastics on our environment for a long time now, and the dramatic effect it has on our oceans, on air quality, and to the wildlife living everywhere on earth. Microplastics are  ubiquitous now, found in our food, in our water, and in our air. What is just now becoming more and more clear is how much these plastics are becoming part of our own body composition and affecting our health.  Research over just the past five years has revealed the extent of plastic embedded in all of our major organ systems. Did

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Working With Your Brain, Not Against It, For Easier Weight Loss

    If you get my weekly newsletter (and sign up here if you don’t!  It’s a fabulous, free, uplifting health resource!) than you already know I turned 50 this year.  On my birthday I shared my mindframe heading into the second half-century of my life, along with some holistic longevity tips: I’m 50 Today! Musings On Turning A Half Century Old + 7 Longevity Tips Well turning 50 had me noticing perimenopausal symptoms — there is no more denying it — and with that has come a bit of weight gain.  I found myself routinely internally shaming myself for

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Let Me Walk You Through Exactly How Your Body Is Speaking To You Right Now

      One thing I know about intuition is this: everybody has it and everyone can use it.     If I can access my intuition, absolutely without a doubt, so can you. I absolutely was THE most conventional person on the planet… since 4 years old my goal was to become a physician and I worked hard to become an M.D. by the age of 26 years old — I was super square and type A personality  (plus tons of anxiety plus high functioning autism… so yeah, really a truly rigid and boxed in.) After I became pregnant

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How To Easily Add Grounding To Any Health Service You Offer Your Community

    For those who offer services in the healthcare and wellness industry, adding grounding to your normal services offers an entirely new dimension of support to your clients, customers and patients — and it’s a positive outcome they can immediately feel! If you have ever felt the relief of grounding first hand, then you already know how instantly supportive it can be and how resilient it helps your body feel. Literally helping to center you no matter what is going on in your life, no matter how stressed out you feel, even in the midst of a panic attack,

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Your Body Is Almost Entirely Made Out Of Stars, Here’s How To Celebrate It

    As a physician, every single cell in our body is literally like a miracle to me.  How it functions, replicates, repairs, lives, dies, replaces.  The fact that our skin is self healing, our bones fuse back together, we breathe and our heart beats while we use our body to do other things all day long without even thinking about it, how we create life, how little humans grow within us and are born. The fact that all of it, almost every bit of it, comes from cosmic dust and stars — it’s all just so damn magical.  We

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How To Hear Your Body’s Intuition Speaking To You & How I Discovered Mine

      One thing I know about intuition is this: everybody has it and everyone can use it.     If I can access my intuition, absolutely without a doubt, so can you. I absolutely was THE most conventional person on the planet… since 5 years old my goal was to become a physician and I worked hard to become an M.D. by the age of 26 years old — I was square and type A and totally boxed into the world of conventional thinking. After I became pregnant with my first child, I fully intended to continue on

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