guest post

Inspiration For Your Journey Today

I am so blessed to receive emails from a dear soul named Michael.   Michael lives across the ocean from me yet speaks right to the heart of things so clearly that I feel as if he is standing right next to me.   Michael knows about big transitions, about pain, about suffering… and because of this he knows a lot about joy, and love, and interconnection.   You see, Michael has inoperable cancer. And yet, through this journey Michael feels alive, he feels love, and he understands more deeply than most of us that emotions are all interconnected… and […]

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Chronic tension sucks. 9 ideas to help…

  A great foundation to decrease chronic tension in your body includes: fish oil supplementation to decrease inflammation in your muscles grounding and connecting to the earth to decrease over all inflammation and muscle tension getting extra sleep (10+ hours a night!) and use of melatonin or tryptophan if needed to help this sleep reach deeper, restorative levels yoga and daily stretching acupuncture to increase energy flow through your body and support releasing tension, reducing pain massage to neutralize trigger points   If a weekly massage is not in your budget or can’t fit into your busy lifestyle, you can

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Looking Back, Leaping Ahead!

  Here are two of my silly pets — Marvin the cat is the one looking back while Cupcake the bird is the one leaping ahead! Each are dressed for their New Year’s best!!! So happiest celebration tonight to each one of you as we all welcome in 2013 together!   At the end of every year I like to look back over my blog to see what posts peeps read most and to review sweet memories of posts I’ve loved writing. Here it is, your Reader Favs Top 5 list!   #1 — Dementia and Skin Care Wow, who

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Meet Bonnie

Meet dear Bonnie. She is married to a wonderful man whom she loves very very much. I can relate to that! Similar to my Balloons for Audry event I wanted her to share her story here today because I adore what she has decided to do, to contribute what she can to a very personal and worthwhile cause, as you’ll read below: “My husband was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in March of 2009 but was able to have a surgery called a Whipple Procedure in April. The very next April, his younger sister was also diagnosed with this horrible disease.

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Got Anxiety?

Meet Gina Rafkind, CPC. Gina is the Holistic Anxiety Coach + Chief Anxiety Buster at VedaSun. She helps women bust through anxiety so they can get moving on their creative dreams. I have a particular affection for Gina and asked her to share her website and thoughts on my blog today because I suffered incredibly from anxiety as a child. It was so bad that sometimes I would literally pace my bedroom in a circle all night long until woke up in the morning passed out on the floor. It was so bad that I felt embarrassed about it. It

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Giveaway… Guiding Signs 101 Intuition Card Deck

I have a fun product recommendation for you today… I love mixing intuition with *fun* and Guiding Signs 101 guidance cards do just that. I was contacted by Guiding Signs to review their card deck and when I got them in the mail I was so very impressed, it is my pleasure to tell you all about them today. These intuitively based cards are so positive, sweet and uplifting that you would have fun doing these with your children, your spouse, on your own… even with your pet! The real gem of these cards is in the included Guiding Signs

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Cold Relief Kit

I recently cleaned out my bathroom cabinets, and got them stocked and ready for this fall and winter. Fresh coconut oil for chapped winter skin, Vitamin D and fish oil and Vitamin C supplements to boost our immune system… and THESE indispensible products from Lana Bella:       My favorite soaps on earth. I love them so much, I’ve blogged about them before. Lots of hand washing throughout the cold and flu season is the #1 thing you can do to protect yourself from getting sick. I believe it is more important than supplements, then a flu shot, then

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