If you subscribe to my all time fav magazine, MaryJanes Farm, and read the article MJF featured about me in the most recent issue, then I just want to give you a big welcome and hello for swinging by my website today!
I was so thrilled to be featured on pages 10 – 14 of the Oct/Nov issue that just hit newsstands this week, speaking about the healing benefits of touching the earth. (pics at the end of this blog post!)
In fact, it was so much fun that MaryJane asked me to contribute a routine health column for her magazine, and I couldn’t be happier.
…if you like holistic healing…
…if you like organic living…
…if you like good ol’ common sense fun and lots of great ideas for home, garden, cooking and crafting…
…plus a side dose of ME in every issue 🙂
…you can subscribe to MaryJanes Farm magazine here or pick each issue up at your local Barnes and Nobles, Walmart, and many other retailers nationwide.
Now, because I know a bunch of you sweet MJF gals are new to my blog, I thought I’d give you a small sampling of the crafts, gardening ideas, recipes, health topics and more available on my blog to enjoy!
Just click on each link below to be taken right to that post.
1. Eco Friendly Garden Border (tutorial)
2. Garden Markers (tutorial)
3. Gazing Balls For Your Garden (tutorial)
4. Harvesting Your End of Summer Garden for Seeds to Plant Next Year (tutorial)
5. Eco Friendly Seedling Containers, Free from Your Recycling Bin! (tutorial)
1. DIY Affirmation Artwork (tutorial)
2. Fun and Fabulous Eco Friendly Glitter Banner (tutorial)
3. Eco Friendly Fire Starters (tutorial)
4. Rainbow Art (tutorial)
5. The Creative Process
1. Making Grape Jelly
2. Organic Marinara Sauce
3. Grilled Lobster
4. Organic Strawberry Syrup (perfect for making organic daiquiris!)
5. Strawberry Bread (my hubby’s fav!)
6. Chocolate Chip Cookies (my son’s fav!)
7. Personal Lasagna Rolls
Holistic Healing:
1. How Creativity Keeps You Healthy!
2. Why We Crave Fat (and how we naturally become more vegetarian as we age…)
3. Coffee And Tea Decrease Your Risk of MRSA Infection
4. Chocolate for Heart and Brain Health! YES!
5. How Modern Medicine and Intuitive Healing Go Hand-in-Hand
6. Heart Centered Parenting: A Simple Meditation For Children (video tutorial)
7. Alternative Ways To Get Probiotics In (Beyond Yogurt)
8. How Parenting A Preteen Child Has Healed My Heart…
9. Fish Oil Shown Effective Treatment for ADHD
10. The Energy Of Menopause (Vide0)
Health Solutions:
1. Foods That Save Your Brain!
2. My #1 Top Tip For Younger Skin (video tutorial)
3. Skip the Dry Cleaning (Here’s Why…)
4. Why I Tossed My Microwave (and how I survive without it…)
5. Spanking Increases Mental Health Issues… discipline alternatives that will make you HAPPY!
6. The MOST IMPORTANT Factor Governing The State Of Your Health (and what to do about it!)
7. Your Food Cravings… (and how to handle them!)
8. Getting Rid of Yeast Infections
9. Honey Speeds Wound Healing
10. A Simple Test to See If You Are Getting Enough Time Barefoot (video tutorial)
11. Seasonal Allergy Relief
12. Banishing UTI’s Naturally
13. Why I Avoid Tylenol (and my fav solutions for fever and pain…)
14. Fall Health Checklist
15. Weighing In On Fluoride… Why It’s A NO For Me
This is just a few of the many blog posts and free holistic health articles I’ve got waiting for you on my website.
If you enjoy them and would like to stay posted on new blog topics (I post every Monday and every Wednesday…) be sure to get signed up for my blog feed by entering your email address in the opt-in box (the Earthing Idea Book box) and you will grab your spot on my email newsletter list.
xoxox, Laura
(the rest of my MaryJanes Farm article:)