
Release Stuck Emotions To Improve Your Health (Here’s How)

  As energy naturally flows through your body, it gives rise to emotions… emotions are the body’s natural energetic release valve.     Often we are tempted to label this as a bad thing…. as something gone wrong if we are feeling something intense. But when energy is flowing through your body — this is never a bad thing. Change and flow and sensation and emotion are all essential to life. The body giving rise to emotions and symptoms is a really good thing. When the energy is flowing unrestricted through your body, you are releasing the old and welcoming […]

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Poor Sleep Equals Weight Gain, Even For Children

Continuing my focus of supporting the health of our children during this back-to-schoool month… …today’s article is a reminder about just how crucial it is for children to get good sleep.   Just published in The Journal Of Pediatrics, a new study finds that an earlier bedtime for young children reduces their risk of obesity as a teenager. As we’ve already touched on, sleep helps with focus and concentration in children, as evidenced by this study on the relationship between ADHD and sleep. And we also know that sleep is absolutely required for the long term function of our brain,

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The Ultimate Indoor Grounding Guide: What To Use & When To Use It

  I get asked absolutely every single day… … what indoor grounding product should I use and when?   So today… I give you the:   Ultimate Guide To Indoor Grounding! Let me review for you exactly which grounding items works the very best in each specific situation:   1. Best for: PAIN ISSUES A Grounded Hot Water Bottle… …the most versatile grounding tool on the planet!   Now you can combine the power of water and the power of heat with the grounding force of Mother Nature to introduce three different, synergistic ways to exponentially heal! Heat increases circulation,

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Insomnia? 6 Unusual But Effective Ways To Deepen Your Sleep Tonight

In the northern hemisphere, we are deep in the heart of winter… …it’s the darkest time of the year and the perfect time to catch up and fully repair any sleep deficit you have built up throughout the year.   You absolutely, 100% ***NEED*** deep, restorative sleep! This is very important work. Make the time to DEEPLY SLEEP right now, when winter is gently urging you to hibernate. And even if you are in summertime in your part of the world, use this reminder to check in with your sleep habits and make sure you are supporting your health through

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Walking and Cancer Recovery: A Crucial Connection

I’ve already blogged about how walking — just walking! — has been medically found to support cancer recovery better than any chemotherapeutic agent we have currently available.   And now, just released in 2015, the first meta-analysis looking at the effects of walking on sleep in cancer patients.   Sleep disorders are very common during cancer treatment and recovery with many patients reporting daily sleep disturbances which in turn affect physical function, healing, mood, energy levels, and quality of life. Although it is well know that exercise has been shown to improve sleep due to boosted immune response, core body

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How Long Does It Take For Earthing Help Your Body?

I notice in medicine and healthcare in general there is a lot of pressure on the patient to do things a certain way.   It causes undue stress that is just NOT necessary.     The classic example is exercise — patients are told to exercise three times a week for an hour each time and as a result, when they simply can’t find an hour to exercise they don’t do it at all. And that’s so wrong, because as I reported here, *anything* is sooo much better than nothing. Literally, just standing up from your chair and sitting right

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Low Energy? Lack of Purpose? Open Your Crown Chakra Today (video)

Do you feel lonely? Isolated? Frustrated? Do you tend to be harder on yourself then you would be on others? Do you take things out on yourself, of feel responsible for things that are out of your control? Do you suffer from insomnia? Loss of pleasure in the small things? Lost the spontaneous laugh you used to have? Loss of fulfillment in your career? Not sure of your true life’s purpose? If any of these things sound like you, let yourself off the hook and open to the possibility that it is simply a matter of rebalancing your crown chakra.

Low Energy? Lack of Purpose? Open Your Crown Chakra Today (video) Read More »